
Terry Byrne is a passionate conservation minded angler, and has been fishing, hunting and guiding most of his life. Terry and Kastine Coleman run a fly fishing business  Terry is a licensed NL (Newfoundland and Labrador) guide, fly tyer and has a wealth of knowledge on salmon and both big & small game. He is the camp manager at Flowers River Lodge in Labrador. Terry knows his way around the rivers, through the woods and has mastered the fine art of a warm cup of coffee by the fire.  


Keep Fish Wet: Why do you believe Keep Fish Wet is important?            

Terry Byrne: I think Keep Fish Wet is a great organization and movement because as we grow in catch-and-release philosophies it’s important to remind people on the proper way to handle fish and give instruction to help not only keep fish wet but to keep fish alive as well. In the end we all want to do everything we can to ensure future generations of anglers have fish species to enjoy as we do. 


KFW: How do you use KFW principles and tips professionally?  

TB: I manage an Atlantic Salmon fishing lodge. (Flowers River Lodge) in Northern Labrador, Canada. Our lodge is 100% catch-and-release so I spend every day of the season on the river with clients releasing fish and I explain the importance of best practices to use when releasing fish so they will survive and spawn and hopefully return to our river again. Anglers invariably want a picture with their catches and I school then on proper handling to not only get a picture they are happy with but a picture that keeps the fish wet as well and everyone wins. 


KFW: How do you personally use KFW principles and tips?

TB: I’ve been fishing all my life and, thanks to a dad who was ahead of his time, I’ve been releasing different fish species since the age of 8-10 years old. It’s been a constant learning curve since then always educating myself on best scientific practices to ensure and fish I release have the absolute best chance of survival. 


KFW: Do you have suggestions on how anglers can apply our principles and tips in different fishing situations?

TB: We fish from boat quite often, thankfully now we have large extendable rubber meshed nets that make landing a fish in boat so much easier. We keep the fish in the net on side of boat in the water pointed into the current and are able to release fish with minimal stress. 


KFW: What challenges do you feel anglers face when applying KFW principles and tips?

TB: The biggest challenge I see is photos, everyone likes a photo of that prize catch and this is where we can get into trouble keeping fish out of the water too long attempting this. I urge every client and fisherman to be as fast as possible and keep the fish in the water. There are also elements in our province of anti-catch and release advocates that pressure anglers and try to stop this practice in favor of catch and keep or no fishing at all. 
