It was a pleasure and honor for Keepemwet Fishing to be invited to participate in the Experience the World of Fly fishing in 2019.  The goal of our organization is to minimize the impact of catch & release angling on recreational fisheries by uniting conscientious anglers, organizations and companies to promote science based practices for handling fish that are released.  Representing Keepemwet Fishing at EWF was Dr. Andy Danylchuk (Science Advisor) and Daniel Göz (Ambassador).  Our booth acted as a hub for discussions about principles and tips for ensuring fish are released in the best condition possible.  We gave away over 1500 Keepemwet pins, and hundreds of stickers that will remind anglers of what to do the next time they handle and release fish.  Daniel and Andy also gave a seminar on both days of EWF that provided insights into how to take ‘fish friendly’ photos, as well as the scientific rationale behind these techniques.  We were very encouraged by how much participants of EWF were interested in Keepemwet Fishing and are already looking forward to attending again in 2020.

The Keepemwet movement is coming to Europe, to the EWF fair. The science advisor, Dr. Andy Danylchuk, will represent Keepemwet Fishing in Fuerstendfeldbruck. Andy is a leading scientist in the field of fish handling practices in sport fishing and fly fishing. He is a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. European Ambassador of Keepemwet, Daniel Göz, will represent Keepemwet Fishing together with Andy.

 Keepemwet Fishing is about releasing fish in the best condition possible.  Keepemwet believes that recreational anglers are a key components of fish conservation and that science-based approaches can help create healthier fisheries.  Andy and Daniel will answer all your question regarding better fish photography and fish handling as part of the special exhibition on the ethics of fishing.

Highlight will be their presentation “better fish photography & better fish handling”on Saturday, April 6 at 15:45 in room S1 and Sunday, April 7at 13:00 in room S1. Daniel will start the presentation revealing his secrets for better fly fishing and fish photography. Andy will talk about the newest findings regarding fish handling filled with many principles and tips on best fishing practices. Questions and interactions will be welcomed!  They will also have a booth at the fair.  Visit for more information.  


SCIENCE ADVISOR - Keepemwet fishing

From tagging Giant Trevally on the scorching salt flats of Alphonse Island to taking blood samples from Golden Dorado in the dense jungle of Argentina, Dr. Andy Danylchuk is on a personal crusade to understand and conserve fish across the planet.  Equal parts scientist and fish bum, Andy is driven by an unrelenting desire to mitigate society’s impact on fish and their essential habitat.

As a professor of fish conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Andy focuses his research on the development and implementation of best practices for handling and releasing fish.  

With one foot firmly planted in the research world and the other in wading boots, Andy works to bridge the information gap between the fishing industry, conservation organizations, the scientific community, and anglers.  This focus has enabled Andy to take on roles such as Ambassador for Patagonia, Thomas & Thomas Fly Rods, and Sight Line Provisions, as well as Research Fellow for Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, board member for Indifly, Member of the Scientific Advisory Panel for the International Game Fish Association, and member of the Science and Policy Committee for the American Fly Fishing Trade Association.


AMBASSADOR - Keepemwet fishing
Daniel is an experienced and successful outdoor filmmaker, a seasoned cinematographer, director of photography, director, producer, editor, cameraman, multi award-winning for human-led as well as wildlife-led outdoor and documentary work producing small scale to large scale content.


He is capable to produce iconic and stunning visuals through technically innovative approaches. His fortes are challenging underwater works be it oceanic or riverine, shooting and filming rare billfish species, incl. large free-swimming blue marlin and yellowfin tuna. His has further filmed the entire spawning act of Atlantic salmon and European lake trout underwater. 


Some of his film works are the legendary flyfishing film "Tapâm" produced with Danish Jan Bach Kristensen, where both venture off the beaten path to catch giant tarpon from their float tubes. Other works include stills and film work on the Gaula River in Norway. Daniel was also involved in one of Animal Planet's most successful River Monster episode with presenter Jeremy Wade, in which presenter Jeremy chases giant tarpon.


Beside his film and still work, Daniel holds an M.Sc. in geography/hydrology. He does camera based monitoring on rare trout species, using the trout's spots as bio markers to identify trout individually. His monitoring work is totally stress-free to the fish. 

Daniel is often amazed how anglers react to his images; many say they didn't know how beautiful fish look underwater! Daniel, being an angler, fish conservationist and environmentalist, is super proud to support the keepemwet movement with his knowledge and stunning visuals.

Keepemwet Fishing  auf der EWF 2019

Zum ersten Mal treffen Sie die Keepemwet Fishing Bewegung aus USA auf der EWF, vertreten durch ihren Gründer Dr. Andy Danylchuk, einen führenden Fischbiologen und Professor an der University of Massachusetts Amherst und Daniel Göz als Keepemwet Repräsentant für Europa. 

Keepemwet setzt sich mit dem schonenden Umgang von Fischen auseinander in der Sportfischerei und insbesondere im Fliegenfischen.

Keepemwet Fishing treffen Sie auf der Sonderausstellung „Ethik in der Angelfischerei“ an.  Andy und Daniel werden alle Ihre Fragen beantworten rund um bessereFischfotografie sowie den bestmöglichen Umgang mit dem Fisch.

Highlight wird der gemeinsame Vortrag bilden jeweils am Samstag und am Sonntag über „Bessere Fischfotografie und schonender Umgang mit dem Fisch“ mitanschließender Fragerunde. Daniel wird den Vortrag beginnen mit vielen Tipps rund um die Fliegenfischen Fotografie, sowie man am besten Fische unterwasser fotografierenkann. Andy wird die neuesten Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung wiedergeben ebenfallsmit vielen Tipps für den optimalen Umgang mit dem Fisch. Fragen und spannendeDiskussionen sind willkommen!
Bitte entnehmen Sie die genauen Vortragszeiten aus dem detailliertenVortragsprogramm.


SCIENCE ADVISOR ~ Keepemwet fishing

Sei es beim Markieren von Giant Trevally auf Alphonse oder Blutproben von Golden Dorados im Urwald von Argentina zu gewinnen, Dr. Andy Danylchuk ist auf einerMission ein besseres Verständnis über die Auswirkungen der Fischerei auf Fischbestände zu erforschen.
Andy lehrt und arbeitet an der Massachusett Universität, sein Schwerpunkt sindForschungen zum Einfluss der Sportfischerei auf spezifische Fischarten und darausresultierend ihre Bestände. Daraus leitet er ein Fülle “best practices” für die Freizeitfischerei ab.
Mit einem Fuß fest im Wissenschaftsbetrieb und den anderen Fuß stets im Watschuhschafft Andy den Spagat zwischen Forschung, Industrie, Naturschutz Organisationenund Anglern. Andy ist Ambassador für Patagonia, Thomas & Thomas Fliegenruten, Sight Line Provisions, desweiteren ist er Mitglied und wissenschaftlicher Berater beiBonefish und Tarpon Trust, der IGFA sowie der American Flyfishing Trade Association.
Andy freut sich sein Wissen und seine Erkenntnisse auf der EWF weiterzugeben.


AMBASSADOR - Keepemwet fishing
Daniel ist ein erfahrener und erfolgreicher outdoor Filmemacher, Cinematograf, Kameramann Produzent und Editor im Bereich Natur- und Angelproduktionen von kleinen Formaten bis hin zu großformatigen Produktionen.
Daniels Stärke ist es außergewöhnliche unterwasser Bilder zu generieren durchinnovative Herangehensweisen. Er hat seltene Hochseefische gefilmt und fotografiert, darunter der blaue Marlin und Gelbflossenthune. Desweiteren hat er die Fortpflanzungder seltenen Seeforelle sowie des Atlantischen unterwasser gefilmt. Zu seinen Arbeitengehört Tapâm, Gaula, 7° South sowie Arbeiten für Animal Planets Format “Flussmonster” mit Moderator Jeremy Wade.

Neben seiner Film- und Fototätigkeit arbeitet Daniel im Monitoring von Großsalmoniden, hierbei nutzt er das individuelle Punktmuster von Salmoniden zur eindeutigenIdentifikation. Diese Herangehensweise ist absolut stressfrei für die Fische.

Daniel ist oft erstaunt wie Angler auf seine Bilder reagieren, viele sagen sie wusstennicht wie schön Fische unter wasser seien!
Daniel ist stolz als Angler und  Naturschützer mit seinem Wissen und ungewöhnlichenBildern die Keepemwet Bewegung zu unterstützen; profitieren Sie von seinem Wissenauf der diesjährigen EWF.
