Week 2 of the #keepemwetchallenge is a wrap and what fun it's been to look through all these "Worst photo of best fish" entries. We seriously laughed out loud at so many of these shots, because we've been there so many times ourselves struggling with the frustration of quickly trying to get a decent shot of a fish while reviving it for release. The post just today from @dirksunvalley is just too good to pass up. That huge brown. That huge mouse pattern. That huge blur just crushing all detail- we love it!! Thanks to our great friends at @cutthroatleaders Are hooking up week 2 winner up with $100 order of their innovative furled leaders. Cheers folks and stay tuned for week 3 criteria. Thanks! #ifyouregonnaletemgo #keepemwet #keepemwetchallenge #fishing #catchandrelease #cutthroatleaders #furledleaders